This is your chance to showcase your business at a large scale events in the heart of Ghent!

Ghent Pride, in its second year, is hosted by the Ghent Business Association. As part of a diverse community, the GBA will partner with Hampton Roads Pride, the LGBT Life Center, and Stonewall Sports to host the kickoff party for Hampton Roads Pride week. Ghent Pride will be unveiling the Pride Banners on 21st Street and Colley Avenue. The event is also a fundraiser for the Ghent Business Association, Hampton Roads Pride, the LGBT Life Center, and Stonewall Sports.

Why Support Ghent Pride?
There are many reasons why the GBA hosts Ghent Pride. One reason is to showcase what Ghent has to offer. By having large scale events in the heart of Ghent, we attract residents not only from Norfolk, but also from other parts of Hampton Roads. These visitors will return to shop
and dine in Ghent’s unique variety of retailers and restaurants. Restaurants directly benefit from the increase in traffic that night as well as retailers and service industries. Ghent Pride will serve as one of the GBA’s annual fundraisers. The money raised from Ghent Pride will support initiatives of the Marketing Committee. These initiatives include community partnerships with local non-profit organizations, branding ads for Ghent seasonal publications which highlight upcoming events in Ghent, and co-op advertisements featured in both The Compass and Veer Magazine. The money raised will also help support Hampton Roads Pride, the LGBT Life Center, and Stonewall Sports.

  • Palace Sponsorship “Fit for a King, or a Queen” Sponsor - $5,000
  • ● Exclusive stage sponsorship with banner placement on the stage
    ● Logo on all promotional material including print ads, posters, and GhentNorfolk.com 
    ● Recognition on social media as a sponsor
    ● One Featured Business section on the Ghent Norfolk website and Ghent Pride website
    ● Announcement from stage at event - 10x
    ● Tent with tables available
    ● 15 tickets to event
  • Colley Sponsorship “Colleys, Shitzus and Poodles, Oh My!” Sponsor $3,000
  • ● Exclusive beer tent sponsorship with banner placement on the stage
    ● Opportunity to have team members pour beer wearing company shirts
    ● Opportunity to provide cups and/or other promotional material at the beer tent table
    ● Logo on all promotional material including print ads, posters, and on GhentNorfolk.com
    ● Recognition on social media as a sponsor
    ● Three Featured Business section on the Ghent Norfolk website and Ghent Pride website
    ● Opportunity to have a table at the event
    ● Announcement from the stage at the event - 8x
    ● Opportunity to place banner at event
    ● 10 tickets to event
  • The Naro Sponsorship “The Not so Naro Minded Sponsor” Sponsor $2,500
  • ● Logo on all promotional material including print ads, posters, and on GhentNorfolk.com
    ● Recognition on social media as a sponsor
    ● Two Featured Business section on the hent Norfolk website and Ghent Pride website
    ● Announcement from the stage at event - 6x
    ● Opportunity to have a table at the event
    ● Opportunity to place banner at event
    ● 5 tickets to event
  • The Stockley Sponsorship “Out in the Park” Sponsor $1,000
  • ● Name on Sponsorship board
    ● One Featured Business section on the Ghent Norfolk website and Ghent Pride website
    ● Recognition on GhentNorfolk.com
    ● Recognition on social media
    ● Opportunity to have a table at the event
    ● Opportunity to place banner at event
  • The 21st Street Sponsorship “21st Street Gays . . . The Musical” sponsor $500
  • ● Name on Sponsorship board
    ● One Featured Business section on the Ghent Norfolk website and Ghent Pride website
    ● Recognition on GhentNorfolk.com
    ● Recognition on social media
    ● Opportunity to have a table at the event

Sponsorship Inquiry


This event wouldn't be possible without the generosity of our fabulous local sponsors.  Please express your appreciation by frequenting their busineses


Palace Shops
301 W 21st St,
Norfolk, VA 23517


Email: info@ghentpride.com Phone: +1 (757) 373 4174 

Copyright (c) 2020 Ghent Business Association